We’re writing to let you know how important your talk to our Philanthropy students was to their learning... Many of the students specifically referenced your talk and your book as providing pivotal lessons that made them question prior assumptions about philanthropy: ‘It was not until Dan Pallotta’s lecture that we really started thinking ‘outside the box... he forced us to think about re-framing how we think…[it was] a wakeup call as to how narrowed our thinking was up to this point.
- Ann Dill and Roger Nozaki,
Brown University -
Thought you’d like to hear how much of a hit you were at the Social Enterprise Summit. On a scale of one to five (with one being “poor” and five being “excellent”), you scored a 4.57. Of 168 respondents, 119 gave you a five.
- Jerr Boschee,
President and CEO,
Social Enterprise Alliance -
Your talk at the Social Capital Conference was one of the best social sector talks I’ve seen.
- Sean Stannard Stockton,
Founder and CEO,
Tactical Philanthropy -
Many, many people have told me you are the most inspiring and best speaker they have heard in a long, long time.
- Elizabeth Banwell,
Dir. Program Strategy,
Maine Assoc. of Nonprofits -
Your comments were the most provocative and inspiring remarks I’ve heard in a long time. I also appreciated your sheer intellect and the brilliance of the materials you prepared. Thank you for having the courage to do what you do.
- Margaret Meiers,
Senior Director,
Community Relations,
Freddie Mac -
Your presentation at the Direct Marketing event was the best one I’ve seen in the four years I’ve been attending…
- Shannon Albert,
National Relief Charities -
…truly a life changing experience.
- Abraham L. Taleb,
Managing Partner,